Have you ever experienced that moment in your life where you look back and remember walking in purpose?

I’m not talking about the purpose of success, money or fame, but the purpose in which God called you to walk.

The purpose of your calling.

The purpose of your gifting.


I caught myself wondering the other day, “when did I stop walking in my purpose?”, and I found myself confused. I used to feel so confident that my writing was a gifting, a call and a purpose that God had given me to impact His kingdom.

I remembered wanting to help people see the love of Jesus through my pain. I wanted people to know He was real through the story He wrote for my life.

A lot has occurred in my life since I stopped writing; marriage has been difficult, I changed careers, we lost a baby, fatherhood has had its challenges and I’ve felt lost.

Recently, God has reminded me of a purpose He once put in my heart. A purpose for which can change the lives of people around me.

I want my writing to reflect the type of love, compassion and rescue that can only be found in Jesus.

In short, I’m returning to my purpose and I couldn’t be any more excited to see what God does through it.

I hope you’ll come along on the journey as I share who Jesus is, and what He’s doing in my life.

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